After years of pushing the adaptation, The Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) is finally here. The DSCSA aims to improve the safety and security of the pharmaceutical supply chain. Ecopharm’ s goal it to ensure we are a resource for our customers to understand and navigate the new challenges.

Here’s a simple breakdown:


The DSCSA was created to prevent counterfeit, contaminated, or other wise unsafe drugs from reaching consumers. It helps ensure that medicines are safe and effective.


The law requires a system to track prescription drugs as they move through the supply chain. This means every step, from the manufacturer to the pharmacy, must be documented.


Companies must be able to verify the legitimacy of their drug products. If there's a suspicion that a drug might be fake or unsafe, it must be investigated and verified.


Entities involved in the supply chain, such as wholesalers and repackagers, must be properly licensed and meet specific standards.


Information about each drug shipment, including its origin, handling, and destination, must be shared among all parties in the supply chain.

How this will affect your Pharmacy?

The DSCSA impacts pharmacies by requiring them to:

Verify Legitimacy

Ensure their drug suppliers are authorized and licensed.

Keep Records

Maintain detailed records of drug transactions for at least six years.

Trace Products

Track and store transaction information to trace drugs back to their origin.

Handle Suspect Products

Investigate and act on potentially counterfeit or unsafe drugs.

Comply with Trading Partners

Only purchase drugs from DSCSA-compliant suppliers.

Upgrade Systems

Invest in technology for tracking, tracing, and maintaining records.

Train Staff

Educate employees on DSCSA requirements and procedures.

Reach out to our sales team for expert guidance on DSCSA compliance and software solutions options.

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